Monday, 15 March 2010

Voicing an opinion on these useless bankers

If I, in my role as supreme technical overlord for a web development company, broke all of our web servers and caused our customers to go out of business, would I be rewarded? No I would probably be escorted out of the office head first and told I would never work again. Likewise if, in my role as legendary racing driver, I turned up and crashed into a wall at every race, would I get a pat on the back? No I'd get a punch in the face and then get sacked by the team.

These startling revelations bring me swiftly onto the subject of bankers bonuses. These greedy excuses for human beings are largely responsible for the financial mess we are in today. Their irresponsible lending of money that didn't exist is just one of many failures that have helped push us into this recession.

Now, a bonus should only be possible if the money is there to do it. If the banks have no money, how can they give bonuses? Also, surely bonuses should be given to those who deserve it – like people who have done a good job. The bankers obviously haven't done a good job have they? So how about a proper performance related pay scheme, whereby the bankers have to take a pay cut until we are out of this mess?

Now I could go on for hours but I'm limited to a few hundred words in these blogs so I'll leave you with this interesting thought: if I, in my role of racing journalist and satirical blogger, wrote an article that offended all and sundry, would I be praised and given a bonus? Well yes I probably would but that is a different matter altogether!

So there you have it; double standards! What do you think? Log into Dadooda, get on your soapbox and voice your opinion!

Friday, 12 March 2010

Being burnt alive by our wonderful Summer weather

A subject that shows no sign of abating is that of Global Warming. Every day some doomsayer tells us that the world is going to end unless we start driving around in cars powered by chicken poo.

It’s a subject that everyone is an expert on and we all have an opinion. Personally I think it’s all tripe. I cannot deny global warming is happening (although I’m sure it’s colder than it used to be) but can we really blame mankind? I mean we’ve only been monitoring climate change for a relatively short period of time and there his evidence of huge climate shift that took place millennia ago so what’s to say it isn’t part of some natural planetary cycle? The polar ice caps are still melting and have probably been doing so since the last ice age. Once they have completely melted, the result will no doubt be a temperate imbalance that pushes us back into another one.

The percentages of Co2 emissions we produce are tiny and it is a little known fact that cow flatulence produces more methane than automobiles so there is definitely a flaw in these eco-warriors’ argument somewhere.

Anyway, that is just my opinion. What do you think? If you have an opinion, get on your soapbox and vote!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Get on your soapbox

Now far be it from me to point out the irony of me promoting a tool that allows people to get on their soapbox and rant about world issues, it is my duty to report the release of yet another members feature from the boffins at Dadooda.

The Soapbox, which is available from the left hand column of all pages, allows members to log in and cast their vote on world issues and post their comments on the hot topic of the moment.

Now if, like me, you find you can be quite opinionated on matters pertaining to the world we live in, this is a nice little feature to get your views seen and heard. It is also a great way to communicate with fellow members, which of course is keeping with the craze of this social networking malarkey that is so big at the moment.

Just become a member of Dadooda and submit your rant. Oh don’t worry, it’s free and there is no catch!